It doesn't take a lot to make a difference -
This Soldier Boy got a kick out of catching even the little ones!
This is our way of giving back,
it could be your way too.
There are so many deserving soldiers... but we struggle to fund the trips.
Won’t you please help
USA Wounded Warriors Program
help service members and their
families cope with the
visible and invisible
wounds of war.
Your monetary gift
- - whatever its size - -
will help us with this very
important and worthwhile program.
Show Your Support!

Click the Paypal Donate button
below to make a secure
credit card donation

The USA Wounded Warriors Program is a charity set up to provide "Fish Therapy" to the deserving hero's that defend our country. This 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization encourages people to make donations as "tributes" to honor our American Soldiers dedication to service. Monies raised fund projects that improve and enrich the lives of the soldiers and their families.